IxVM ( IxNetwork 7.21 GA )


IxVM vChassis components

The following components are required on a server running Windows 7 32-bit operating system.

IxOS 6.60 GA
IxNetwork 7.21 GA
IxLoad 6.40 GA

IxLoad 6.40 GA (Part 1)
NOTE: Starting with IxLoad 6.30 EA release, the IxLoad installer is split into two parts: an .exe file and a .part1 file. Please download both files.

Discovery Server
IxVM Mass Deployment Tool

IxVM Linux Port

VMware OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) format

Ixia-enhanced kernel OVA template for functional IxNetwork and IxLoad testing.

OVA format - 32-bit
SUSE OVA format - 32-bit

KVM self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

Open source Xen self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

Live CD format

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

ISO format – 32 bit

Qcow2 disk format

Use this file to create/update a virtual machine with an existing disk image on the KVM hypervisor. Please take note that the disk storage format is qcow2 and should be set accordingly in the virtual machine configuration file. The disk contains the Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing. The qcow2 image needs to be unpacked from the tar (archive) file below:

Tar format – 32 bit

Virtual machine template to be used in conjunction with the qcow2 disk. Please consult the IxVM user guide on how to properly use the qcow2 disk image with the template.

XML template

RPM ( Redhat Package manager ) format

Use this to install IxAdmin Agent RPM (includes Discovery) on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 6.3-compatible).
The IxAdmin client has become obsolete for upgrading IxVM, but you can use IxAdmin Agent with the IxVM Mass Deployment Tool to install/upgrade IxVM. To download IxVM Mass Deployment Tool and Discovery Server, please use the links above, under IxVM vChassis components section.

RPM format - 32-bit

Use this to install/update the IxOS RPM on the Ixia-enhanced kernel Linux OS.

RPM format - 32-bit

Use this to install/update the IxNetwork RPM the Ixia-enhanced kernel Linux OS.

RPM format - 32-bit

IxVM User Guide

IxVM documentation can be found under IxOS, IxLoad, or IxNetwork documentation respectively.

IxNetwork User Guides
IxOS User Guides

IxVM ( IxNetwork 7.22 EA )


IxVM vChassis components

The following components are required on a server running Windows 7 32-bit operating system.

IxOS 6.62 EA
IxNetwork 7.22 EA
Discovery Server
IxVM Mass Deployment Tool

IxVM Linux Port

VMware OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) format

Ixia-enhanced kernel OVA template for functional IxNetwork and IxLoad testing.

OVA format - 32-bit
SUSE OVA format - 32-bit

KVM self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

Open source Xen self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

Live CD format

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

ISO format – 32 bit

Qcow2 disk format

Use this file to create/update a virtual machine with an existing disk image on the KVM hypervisor. Please take note that the disk storage format is qcow2 and should be set accordingly in the virtual machine configuration file. The disk contains the Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing. The qcow2 image needs to be unpacked from the tar (archive) file below:

Tar format – 32 bit

RPM ( Redhat Package manager ) format

Use this to install IxAdmin Agent RPM (includes Discovery) on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 6.3-compatible).
The IxAdmin client has become obsolete for upgrading IxVM, but you can use IxAdmin Agent with the IxVM Mass Deployment Tool to install/upgrade IxVM. To download IxVM Mass Deployment Tool and Discovery Server, please use the links above, under IxVM vChassis components section.

RPM format - 32-bit

Use this to install/update the IxOS RPM on the Ixia-enhanced kernel Linux OS.

RPM format - 32-bit

Use this to install/update the IxNetwork RPM the Ixia-enhanced kernel Linux OS.

RPM format - 32-bit

ZIP (IxVM Mass Deployment Tool) format

Use the zip file to upgrade IxOS on your Linux machines (including Ixia-enhanced kernel) using IxVM Mass Deployment Tool.

ZIP format - 32-bit

Use the zip file to upgrade IxNetwork on your Linux machines (including Ixia-enhanced kernel) using IxVM Mass Deployment Tool.

ZIP format - 32-bit

IxVM User Guide

IxVM documentation can be found under IxOS, IxLoad, or IxNetwork documentation respectively.

IxNetwork User Guides
IxOS User Guides

IxVM ( IxNetwork 7.20 EA Patch1 )


IxVM vChassis components

The following components are required on a server running Windows 7 32-bit operating system.

IxOS 6.60 EA Patch1
IxNetwork 7.20 EA Patch1
IxLoad 6.40 EA

IxLoad 6.40 EA (Part 1)
NOTE: Starting with IxLoad 6.30 EA release, the IxLoad installer is split into two parts: an .exe file and a .part1 file. Please download both files.

Discovery Server
IxVM Mass Deployment Tool

IxVM Linux Port

VMware OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) format

Ixia-enhanced kernel OVA template for functional IxNetwork and IxLoad testing.

OVA format - 32-bit
SUSE OVA format - 32-bit

KVM self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

Open source Xen self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

RPM ( Redhat Package manager ) format

Use this to install/update the IxOS RPM on the Ixia-enhanced kernel Linux OS.

RPM format - 32-bit

Use this to install/update the IxNetwork RPM the Ixia-enhanced kernel Linux OS.

RPM format - 32-bit

Live CD format

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

ISO format – 32 bit

ZIP (IxVM Mass Deployment Tool) format

Use the zip file to upgrade IxOS on your Linux machines (including Ixia-enhanced kernel) using IxVM Mass Deployment Tool.

ZIP format - 32-bit or 64-bit

Use the zip file to upgrade IxNetwork on your Linux machines (including Ixia-enhanced kernel) using IxVM Mass Deployment Tool.

ZIP format - 32-bit or 64-bit

IxVM User Guide

IxVM documentation can be found under IxOS, IxLoad, or IxNetwork documentation respectively.

IxNetwork User Guides
IxLoad User Guides

IxVM ( IxNetwork 7.12 GA )


IxVM vChassis components

The following components are required on a server running Windows 7 32-bit operating system.

IxOS 6.50 GA
IxNetwork 7.12 GA
IxLoad 6.30 GA

IxLoad 6.30 GA (Part 1)
NOTE: Starting with IxLoad 6.30 EA release, the IxLoad installer is split into two parts: an .exe file and a .part1 file. Please download both files.

Discovery Server
IxVM Mass Deployment Tool

IxVM Linux Port

VMware OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) format

Ixia-enhanced kernel OVA template for functional IxNetwork and IxLoad testing.

OVA format - 32-bit
SUSE OVA format - 32-bit

KVM self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

Open source Xen self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

Live CD format

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

ISO format – 32 bit

RPM (Redhat Package manager) format

Use this to install IxAdmin Agent RPM (includes Discovery) on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 6.3-compatible).
The IxAdmin client has become obsolete for upgrading IxVM, but you can use IxAdmin Agent with the IxVM Mass Deployment Tool to install/upgrade IxVM. To download IxVM Mass Deployment Tool and Discovery Server, please use the links above, under IxVM vChassis components section.

RPM format - 32-bit or 64-bit

Use this to install IxOS on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 6.3-compatible).
To download IxOS, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixos

RPM format - 32-bit

Use this to install IxNetwork RPM on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 6.3-compatible).
To download IxNetwork, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixnetwork

RPM format - 32-bit

ZIP (IxVM Mass Deployment Tool) format

Use the zip file to upgrade IxOS on your Linux machines (including Ixia-enhanced kernel) using IxVM Mass Deployment Tool.

ZIP format - 32-bit or 64-bit

Use the zip file to upgrade IxNetwork on your Linux machines (including Ixia-enhanced kernel) using IxVM Mass Deployment Tool.

ZIP format - 32-bit or 64-bit

IxVM User Guide

IxVM documentation can be found under IxOS, IxLoad, or IxNetwork documentation respectively.

IxNetwork User Guides
IxLoad User Guides


IxVM (December 21, 2012)


IxVM ( IxNetwork 7.00 GA )


IxVM vChassis components

The following components are required on a server running Windows 7 32-bit operating system.

IxOS 6.40 GA
IxNetwork 7.00 GA
IxLoad 6.20 GA

IxLoad 6.20 GA (Part 1)
NOTE: Starting with IxLoad 6.20 GA release, the IxLoad installer is split into two parts: an .exe file and a .part1 file. Please download both files.

Discovery Server
IxVM Mass Deployment Tool

IxVM Linux Port

VMware OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) format

Ixia-enhanced kernel OVA template for functional IxNetwork and IxLoad testing.

OVA format - 32-bit
SUSE OVA format - 32-bit

KVM self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

Open source Xen self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

RPM (Redhat Package manager) format

Use this to install IxAdmin Agent RPM (includes Discovery) on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 6.3-compatible).
The IxAdmin client has become obsolete for upgrading IxVM, but you can use IxAdmin Agent with the IxVM Mass Deployment Tool to install/upgrade IxVM. To download IxVM Mass Deployment Tool and Discovery Server, please use the links above, under IxVM vChassis components section.

RPM format - 32-bit or 64-bit

Use this to install IxOS on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 6.3-compatible).
To download IxOS, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixos

RPM format - 32-bit

Use this to install IxNetwork RPM on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 6.3-compatible).
To download IxNetwork, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixnetwork

RPM format - 32-bit

ZIP (IxVM Mass Deployment Tool) format

Use the zip file to upgrade IxOS on your Linux machines (including Ixia-enhanced kernel) using IxVM Mass Deployment Tool.

ZIP format - 32-bit or 64-bit

Use the zip file to upgrade IxNetwork on your Linux machines (including Ixia-enhanced kernel) using IxVM Mass Deployment Tool.

ZIP format - 32-bit or 64-bit

IxVM User Guide

IxVM documentation can be found under IxOS, IxLoad, or IxNetwork documentation respectively.

  • Ixia Platform Reference Manual
  • IxExplorer Users Guide

PDF version of Ixia Reference Manual (formerly the Ixia Hardware Guide)
  PDF version of IxExplorer Users Guide
IxNetwork User Guides
IxLoad User Guides

IxVM vChassis components

The following components are required on a server running Windows 7 32-bit operating system.

IxOS 6.40 EA
IxNetwork 7.00 EA
IxLoad 6.20 EA

IxLoad 6.20 EA (Part 1)
NOTE: Starting with IxLoad 6.10 EA release, the IxLoad installer is split into two parts: an .exe file and a .part1 file. Please download both files.

Discovery Server
IxVM Mass Deployment Tool

IxVM Linux Port

VMware OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) format

Ixia-enhanced kernel OVA template for functional IxNetwork and IxLoad testing.

OVA format - 32-bit
SUSE OVA format - 32-bit

KVM self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

Open source Xen self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

RPM (Redhat Package manager) format

Use this to install IxAdmin Agent RPM (includes Discovery) on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
The IxAdmin client has become obsolete for upgrading IxVM, but you can use IxAdmin Agent with the IxVM Mass Deployment Tool to install/upgrade IxVM. To download IxVM Mass Deployment Tool and Discovery Server, please use the links above, under IxVM vChassis components section.

RPM format - 32-bit or 64-bit

Use this to install IxOS on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxOS, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixos

RPM format - 32-bit

Use this to install IxNetwork RPM on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxNetwork, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixnetwork

RPM format - 32-bit

ZIP (IxVM Mass Deployment Tool) format

Use the zip file to upgrade IxOS on your Linux machines (including Ixia-enhanced kernel) using IxVM Mass Deployment Tool.

ZIP format - 32-bit or 64-bit

Use the zip file to upgrade IxNetwork on your Linux machines (including Ixia-enhanced kernel) using IxVM Mass Deployment Tool.

ZIP format - 32-bit or 64-bit

IxVM User Guide

IxVM documentation can be found under IxOS, IxLoad, or IxNetwork documentation respectively.

  • Ixia Platform Reference Manual
  • IxExplorer Users Guide

PDF version of Ixia Reference Manual (formerly the Ixia Hardware Guide)
  PDF version of IxExplorer Users Guide
IxNetwork User Guides
IxLoad User Guides

IxVM (September 21, 2012)


IxVM vChassis components

The following components are required on a server running Windows XP Pro SP3 32-bit or Windows 7 32-bit operating system.

IxOS 6.30 EA SP2
IxNetwork 6.30 EA SP1 Patch1
IxLoad 6.10 EA

IxLoad 6.10 EA (Part 1)
NOTE: Starting with IxLoad 6.10 EA release, the IxLoad installer is split into two parts: an .exe file and a .part1 file. Please download both files.

Discovery Server
IxVM Mass Deployment Tool

IxVM Linux Port

VMware OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) format

Ixia-enhanced kernel OVA template for functional IxNetwork and IxLoad testing.

OVA format - 32-bit
SUSE OVA format - 32-bit

KVM self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

RPM (Redhat Package manager) format

Use this to install IxAdmin Agent RPM (includes Discovery) on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
The IxAdmin client has become obsolete for upgrading IxVM, but you can use IxAdmin Agent with the IxVM Mass Deployment Tool to install/upgrade IxVM. To download IxVM Mass Deployment Tool and Discovery Server, please use the links above, under IxVM vChassis components section.

RPM format - 32-bit or 64-bit

Use this to install IxOS on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxOS, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixos

RPM format - 32-bit
RPM format - 64-bit

Use this to install IxNetwork RPM on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxNetwork, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixnetwork

RPM format - 32-bit

ZIP (IxVM Mass Deployment Tool) format

Use the zip file to upgrade IxOS on your Linux machines (including Ixia-enhanced kernel) using IxVM Mass Deployment Tool.

ZIP format - 32-bit or 64-bit

Use the zip file to upgrade IxNetwork on your Linux machines (including Ixia-enhanced kernel) using IxVM Mass Deployment Tool.

ZIP format - 32-bit or 64-bit

IxVM User Guide

IxVM documentation can be found under IxOS, IxLoad, or IxNetwork documentation respectively.

  • Ixia Platform Reference Manual
  • IxExplorer Users Guide

PDF version of Ixia Reference Manual (formerly the Ixia Hardware Guide)
  PDF version of IxExplorer Users Guide
IxNetwork User Guides
IxLoad User Guides

IxVM (June 29, 2012)


IxVM vChassis components

The following components are required on a server running Windows XP Pro SP3 32-bit operating system.

IxOS 6.30 EA SP1
IxNetwork 6.30 EA
Discovery Server
IxLoad 6.0 EA Patch1
IxVM Mass Deployment Tool

IxVM Linux Port

VMware OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) format

Ixia-enhanced kernel OVA template for functional IxNetwork and IxLoad testing.

OVA format - 32-bit
SUSE OVA format - 32-bit

KVM self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

RPM (Redhat Package manager) format

Use this to install IxAdmin Agent RPM (includes Discovery) on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxAdmin Client and Discovery Server, please use the links above, under IxVM vChassis components section.

RPM format - 32-bit or 64-bit

Use this to install IxOS on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxOS, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixos

RPM format - 32-bit
RPM format - 64-bit

Use this to install IxNetwork RPM on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxNetwork, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixnetwork

RPM format - 32-bit

IxVM User Guide

IxVM documentation can be found under IxOS, IxLoad, or IxNetwork documentation respectively.

  • Ixia Platform Reference Manual
  • IxExplorer Users Guide

PDF version of Ixia Reference Manual (formerly the Ixia Hardware Guide)
  PDF version of IxExplorer Users Guide
IxNetwork User Guides
IxLoad User Guides

IxVM (May 25, 2012)


IxVM vChassis components

The following components are required on a server running Windows XP Pro SP3 32-bit operating system.

IxOS 6.20 EA SP1
IxNetwork 6.20 EA SP1
Discovery Server
IxLoad 5.40 EA SP1

IxVM Linux Port

VMware OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) format

Ixia-enhanced kernel OVA template for functional IxNetwork and IxLoad testing.

OVA format - 32-bit
SUSE OVA format - 32-bit

KVM self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

RPM (Redhat Package manager) format

Use this to install IxAdmin Agent RPM (includes Discovery) on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxAdmin Client and Discovery Server, please use the links above, under IxVM vChassis components section.

RPM format - 32-bit or 64-bit

Use this to install IxOS on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxOS, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixos

RPM format - 32-bit
RPM format - 64-bit

Use this to install IxNetwork RPM on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxNetwork, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixnetwork

RPM format - 32-bit

IxVM User Guide

IxVM documentation can be found under IxOS, IxLoad, or IxNetwork documentation respectively.

  • Ixia Platform Reference Manual
  • IxExplorer Users Guide

PDF version of Ixia Reference Manual (formerly the Ixia Hardware Guide)
  PDF version of IxExplorer Users Guide
IxNetwork User Guides
IxLoad User Guides

IxVM (December 19, 2011)


IxVM vChassis components

The following components are required on a server running Windows XP Pro SP3 32-bit operating system.

IxOS 6.20 EA
IxNetwork 6.20 EA
Discovery Server
IxLoad 5.40 EA

IxVM Linux Port

VMware OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) format

Ixia-enhanced kernel OVA template for functional IxNetwork and IxLoad testing.

OVA format - 32-bit

KVM self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for functional IxNetwork testing.

Self-extracting installer

RPM (Redhat Package manager) format

Use this to install IxAdmin Agent RPM (includes Discovery) on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxAdmin Client and Discovery Server, please use the links above, under IxVM vChassis components section.

RPM format - 32-bit or 64-bit

Use this to install IxOS on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxOS, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixos

RPM format - 32-bit
RPM format - 64-bit

Use this to install IxNetwork RPM on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxNetwork, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixnetwork

RPM format - 32-bit

IxVM User Guide

IxVM documentation can be found under IxOS, IxLoad, or IxNetwork documentation respectively.

IxOS User Guide
IxNetwork User Guides
IxLoad User Guides

IxVM (October 1, 2011)

IxVM is a software-based test platform that enables you to turn standard Linux Ethernet ports into virtual Ixia ports. IxVM can create virtual Ixia ports from the virtual Ethernet ports on a Linux virtual machine (VM), or from the physical Ethernet ports on a physical Linux server.

IxVM Server

IxVM server runs on any Windows XP Pro SP3 32-bit PC supported by IxOS. See the release notes for details.

ESX/ESXi Hypervisor deployments

IxVM is supported on vSphere 4 (ESX/ESXi 4.0).

KVM/QEMU Hypervisor deployments

IxVM is supported on KVM/QEMU over RHEL/CentOS 5.6.

Bare-metal Linux deployments

Ixia recommends a high-performance server for bare-metal deployments. A high-end application server is available from Ixia - contact your Ixia sales representative for more information.

VM Operating Systems

IxVM virtual ports can be created on any VM running one of the following operating systems:

  • Ixia-enhanced kernel
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.6, 32-bit or 64-bit
  • CentOS 5.6, 32-bit or 64-bit


IxVM vChassis components

The following components are required on a server running Windows XP Pro SP3 32-bit operating system.

IxOS 6.10 EA SP2
IxNetwork 6.10 EA
Discovery Server

IxVM Linux Port

VMware OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) format

Ixia-enhanced kernel OVA template for full functional routing and switching testing.

OVA format - 32-bit

KVM self-extracting installer

Ixia-enhanced kernel and required components for full functional routing and switching testing.

Self-extracting installer

RPM (Redhat Package manager) format

Use this to install IxAdmin Agent RPM (includes Discovery) on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxAdmin Client and Discovery Server, please use the links above, under IxVM vChassis components section.

RPM format - 32-bit or 64-bit

Use this to install IxOS on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxOS, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixos

RPM format - 32-bit
RPM format - 64-bit

Use this to install IxNetwork RPM on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.6-compatible).
To download IxNetwork, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixnetwork

RPM format - 32-bit

IxVM User Guide

IxVM User Guide Release Notes

IxVM Archive (June 1, 2011)

IxVM is a software-based test platform that enables you to turn standard Linux Ethernet ports into virtual Ixia ports. IxVM can create virtual Ixia ports from the virtual Ethernet ports on a Linux virtual machine (VM), or from the physical Ethernet ports on a physical Linux server.

IxVM Server

IxVM server runs on any Windows XP Pro SP3 32-bit PC supported by IxOS. See the release notes for details.

ESX/ESXi deployments

IxVM runs on any virtualization server that ESX/ESXi supports.

Bare-metal Linux deployments

Ixia recommends a high-performance server for bare-metal deployments. A high-end application server is available from Ixia - contact your Ixia sales representative for more information.

Virtualization Software (Hypervisor)

IxVM supports VMware ESX/ESXi 4.0 for vSphere 4 deployments (OVA deployments).

VM Operating Systems

IxVM virtual ports can be created on any VM running one of the following operating systems:

  • Ixia-enhanced kernel
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.2/5.3/5.4, 32-bit or 64-bit
  • CentOS 5.2/5.3/5.4, 32- or 64-bit



IxVM Linux Port

OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) format

Ixia-enhanced kernel OVA template for full functional routing and switching testing.

OVA format - 32-bit

RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.2/5.3/5.4-compatible OVA templates

OVA format - 32-bit

RPM (Redhat Package manager) format

Use this to install IxOS on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.2/5.3/5.4-compatible).
To download IxOS, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixos

RPM format - 32-bit
RPM format - 64-bit

Use this to install IxNetwork RPM on your own copy of Linux OS (32-bit or 64-bit RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS 5.2/5.3/5.4-compatible).
To download IxNetwork, please visit /support/downloads_and_updates/ixnetwork

RPM format - 32-bit