360° Security Intelligence

Security extends from product design to deployment, to everyday operation in live networks. You need a 360° security solution architecture to provide end-to-end protection, IxSecure.

Security has two key parts: offense and defense. Offense is about finding and fixing vulnerabilities before they hurt you—in products, applications, connections, people, or processes. Defense is creating a protection barrier from the vulnerabilities you cannot easily eliminate.

Combining early detection, ongoing monitoring, and attack surface reduction gives organizations 360° security intelligence to better combat the growing threat landscape.

Download the IxSecure White Paper to find out how the four pillars of security can be optimized.

Download White Paper

What is the Cost of Skipping One More Test?
In the rush to launch it might be tempting to skip that one final security test. But consider the cost if there's a breach.

Why Your Intelligence Feed Matters
Think every threat intelligence feed is the same? Think again.

Webinar: You Can’t Protect What You Can’t See
Industry analyst Zeus Kerravala talks with Ixia execs on the critical nature of unobstructed visibility in network security.

IxSecure Develop
Challenge your product from every angle before you ship. Understand your user experience from application to protocol, network performance to connections, user load to traffic type scalability.

IxSecure Train
Ensure your team is prepared to handle attacks. Stress your system configuration with security attacks and heavy traffic loads during beta testing and pre-production.

IxSecure Monitor
See what your network is doing at all times with high-speed data stream access tools. Confidently distribute all the right traffic to your security tools for resiliency, efficiency and ROI.

IxSecure Defend
Scale your defenses even as the network and traffic grow by reducing the attack surface. Decrypt traffic before it hits your firewall for faster, secure defense.

Application and Threat Intelligence (ATI) Research Center

Fueling 360° Security Intelligence is Ixia’s ATI Research Center, an elite group of top application and security researchers from around the globe. Their expertise spans software development, L2‑7 testing, reverse engineering, vulnerability assessment and remediation, malware investigation, and intelligence gathering. From this combined knowledge we create realistic applications attacks—from protocols, through loading, through threats to strengthen security and applications.