BreakingPoint - Malware & Botnets
Version Number:
OS v3.5+
Build Number:
Release Date:
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Starting December, monthly malware packs are replaced by yearly malware packs. The last monthly pack of a year will be included in the yearly pack of that year (e.g. December 2016 malware update already included in 2016 malware yearly update). Each yearly pack will contain all of its corresponding monthly packs released that year (including the monthly Strike Lists) and will also add a new Strike List for that year. This change applies to all monthly packs released since June 2014 when the first monthly malware update was published. Installing/uninstalling the monthly packs older than December 2016 after the yearly pack was installed, is not supported.

Malware updates require version 3.x or greater BPS software. To install Malware updates on your BreakingPoint system, follow the normal ATI install process as described in the documentation.