Version Number:
8.90 EA
Release Date:
Friday, June 19, 2015

IxANVL 8.90 EA is an "Early Adopter" release. It provides support for 64 bit Linux (CentOS-6.5) as well as enhancements for existing test suites of Openflow1.0, RSVP-TE and AUTO-ETH-UDP, AUTO-ETH-TCP. It also includes bug fixes since the previous release.  

Support for using Ixia ports (through VNIC) in 64 bit Linux is though VNIC CLI interface (Refer to user guide for 64 bit VNIC usage). XVNIC (VNIC GUI) is not supported for 64 bit Linux.  

The following is a brief description of Enhanced test suites and Infrastructure support:

Enhanced Suites

  1. OpenFlow 1.0: This test suite is re-aligned based on latest published test specification      from ONF   
  2. RSVP-TE: ISIS Level 1 support added for "MPLS Routing Protocol".  
  3. AUTO-ETH-UDP: New STUB support is added for communicating with IxANVL using binary coded message that will be more slick and secure. Existing Test Based message communication for STUB is kept intact.  
  4. AUTO-ETH-TCP: New STUB support is added for communicating with IxANVL using binary coded message that will be more slick and secure. Existing Test Based message communication for STUB is kept intact.          


I. 64 bit Linux (CentOS-6.5): Platform support added for CentOS 6.5 - Kernel 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64.
        - Support for using Ixia ports (through VNIC) in 64 bit Linux is through VNIC CLI interface. XVNIC (VNIC GUI) is not supported.
        - Support for ANVL GUI and CLI is provided.

Application Compatibility

NOTE: When you are using one or more of the applications below on a single chassis configuration, please use the correct application versions so they align to a common version of IxOS.  



IxOS 6.80 GA

IxOS 6.90 EA


8.90 EA

8.90 EA


4.95 GA

4.97 GA


7.40 GA SP4

7.40 GA SP4


6.60 GA

6.70 EA


7.40 GA

7.50 EA


7.40 GA

7.50 EA


3.20 EA

3.25 EA

Test Conductor

3.60 GA

3.60 GA


3.90 EA

3.90 EA


For additional product compatibility information please refer to the following online utility. An Ixia website account is required before accessing.    

IxANVL Workstation Requirements

CPU: 32-bit 2 GHz Pentium or better
RAM: 2GB or more 
Disk: 1.5GB free or more 

Windows OS: Windows 7 Enterprise 32-bit 
            Windows 7 Professional 32-bit
            Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
            Windows 2008 Server R2 standard 64-bit 
            NOTE: IxANVL supports the US English versions of the Windows OS. Although,
                  IxANVL may run on other versions of  Windows OS, they are not 
                  officially supported by Ixia. If you attempt to install or run 
                  IxANVL on any version of Windows OS other than the U.S. English 
                  versions, the IxANVL installation or operation may fail.

Linux OS:   CentOS5.9 (32 bit) with kernel 2.6.18-348.el5xen 
            RHEL5.9 (32 bit) with kernel 2.6.18-348.el5 
            Centos 5.3 with kernel 2.6.18-128.e15xen 
            CentOS-6.5  (64 bit) with kernel 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64

DEPRECATED OS:  Windows 2003 Server (32 bit) 
             Windows XP Professional (32 bit) 
              Windows 2008 Server Enterprise SP2 (32-bit) 

Important Note: 
            Java has a known caveat that requires an extra rpm file, 
            xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.2-31.i386.rpm, that sometimes is not 
            installed by default on an RHE 5.0 machine. As the IxANVL installer
            is a Java-based application, it is required that this file be installed 
            in order to function normally. Please refer to the Linux installation
            notes below for a workaround to fix this problem.      


Ixia Chassis OS: IxOS 6.90-EA or IxOS 6.80-GA    

Supported Test Interfaces

Network interface cards directly attached to a Linux or Windows PC

 - Ethernet 10/100

 - Gigabit Ethernet

 - Async serial

 - Sync serial

 - T1/E1

 - PPPoE

Ixia Load Modules (port CPU required) accessed via Virtual Network Interface Card (VNIC)

10/100/1000 Ethernet Modules:

- LM100TXS8


- LM1000STXS4

- OLM1000STXS24

- LM1000STXR4

- LSM1000XMS12-01/LSM1000XMSR12-01

- ALM1000T8

- LSM1000XMV16-01/LSM1000XMV12-01/LSM1000XMV8-01/LSM1000XMV4-01

- LSM1000XMVR16-01/LSM1000XMVR12-01/LSM1000XMVR8-01/LSM1000XMVR4-01

- ASM1000XMV12X-01, non-Aggregate Mode

- ELM1000ST2

- LSM1000XMVDC16

- LSM1000XMSP12



10G Modules:

- LSM10G1-01/LSM10gL1-01

- LSM10GXL6-01/LSM10GXL6-02

- LSM10GXM3-01/LSM10GXMR3-01

- MSM10G1-01

- LSM10GXM3-01/LSM10GXMR3-01

- LSM10GXM4-01/LSM10GXMR4-01

- LSM10GXM8-01/LSM10GXMR8-01

- LSM1000XMV8-01/LSM1000XMVR8-01

- LSM1000XMV12-01/LSM1000XMVR12-01

- LSM10GXM2XP-01/LSM10GXMR2-01

- LSM10GXM4XP-01

- LSM10GXM8XP-01

- LSM10GXM8-01/LSM10GXM8S-01

- LSM10GXM8NG-01

- Acceleron

40G/100G Modules:

- HSE 40GE QSFP1-01

- FlexFE40QP

- LAVA AP40/100GE 2P

NOTE:  FlexFE40QP, LAVA AP40/100GE 2P cards are not supported if IxOS 6.90 with 3.10 kernel is used

POS/ATM Modules:

- MSM2.5G1-1

- MSM10G1-01

- LM622MR

Release Notes [ click here ]

IxANVL and VNIC user guide CentOS 6.5


If you would like to upgrade your current IxANVL software, please send an email to our Support Department and be sure to include your registration number.