Version Number:
8.21 EA
Build Number:
Release Date:
Friday, March 31, 2017
Part Number:

User Authentication required to use IxNetwork 8.21 EA

Starting with version 8.10 EA, users of IxNetwork applications are required to authenticate when starting the applications' user interfaces, using an e-mail based authentication mechanism. A login window is presented when a user starts IxNetwork and the user will need to enter the registered e-mail address and the associated password. 

First time users need to create a new account, which can be done online at; this link is available on the login window. A new account can be used only after the user verifies the e-mail address by opening the link in the verification e-mail received from  “Ixia Identity”. 

If the client machine running IxNetwork is offline, a token is required to sign in; the token is a binary file, that can be obtained by signing in at from a computer with Internet access and downloading the Offline Authentication Token. 

Note: When signing in, or managing the account in a web browser, always confirm that you are doing so over a secure connection. Ixia does not ask for user name, password or other personal information via email. 

Privacy Matters: 

To improve the experience for customers and the quality of Ixia’s products, data may be collected and stored by Ixia. This typically includes data about the product usage and environment (such as operating system, browser, language), and personal data such as user name, email and IP addresses. Only Ixia’s IT, project managers and marketing worldwide will have access to this data When you first sign in to either application, you will be asked to consent to such data collection and use, and to the data transfer to Ixia in the United States. You may withdraw your consent at any time and for any reason. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information and opt-out possibility (available at