1. What platform are you using?

Please answer all the above questions

Software Packages

IxExplorer 10.40 Installer (.exe)
Note: This is a standalone IxExplorer installer (which includes tcl client components). It can be installed on supported Windows OS and can be used to connect to Ixia Chassis regardless of whether it is running IxOS (Windows) or IxOS (Native).
(MD5 Checksum: 887dd06d582531cac25b999450fde77e)

Ixia Wireshark Installer (.exe)
Note: IxExplorer now requires a separate installation of Ixia Wireshark for Capture View and Analysis.
(MD5 Checksum: f7755cb289d13cec801a6dd7b01aafbb)

Optional Components

Platform Independent API
Note: This contains only Ixia library files. For language packages like tcl, python, perl, install API-Dependencies Linux x86 or 64-bit installer.
(MD5 Checksum: 4b26c7838250e155cd15209b31c53b2a)

TCL Client (Linux, compressed tar)
Note: IxOS TCL Client Installer for linux-based clients includes ixtcl console (which requires IxTCL Server to connect to Ixia Chassis) and ixtcl-native console (which connects to Ixia Chassis directly, without needing intermediate IxTCL Server, thus improving overall IxOS TCL script execution time).
(MD5 Checksum: 180f8e5155818361b624e1e4c40f57f2)

TCL Client (Linux 64-bit, compressed tar)
Note: IxOS TCL Client Installer for linux-based clients includes ixtcl console (which requires IxTCL Server to connect to Ixia Chassis) and ixtcl-native console (which connects to Ixia Chassis directly, without needing intermediate IxTCL Server, thus improving overall IxOS TCL script execution time).
(MD5 Checksum: 14454977b7c8f31e470f03b6bea0f88e)
API-Dependencies Linux x86 installer
Note: This installer is recommended to be used in association with the Platform Independent TCL
(MD5 checksum: 2467e823a8cee792b04f4fc6227acdda)

API-Dependencies Linux 64-bit installer
Note: This installer is recommended to be used in association with the Platform Independent API
(MD5 checksum: 6acf1a5f7fbbcc753e8405854238c73f)

User Documentation (IxOS)

Release Notes